Monday, December 10, 2012

Hotel Living

My Beloved and I spent some time in Oklahoma City and I was stunned at what passed for okay behavior in several venues. 

First, having dinner at a fairly up scale restaurant the first night, seeing the men wear their cowboy hats or baseball caps at dinner was a sight to behold.  As my sister would say, “they probably didn’t have a mother to teach them differently.” 

The next morning walking down the corridor to the elevator, I heard two doors open and people walked out and allowed their doors to slam.  I purposely walked slowly to give them time to get the elevator, as I knew I would not be able to keep my mouth shut if I had to spend anymore them with any of them.

Next, I am in the downstairs area for the complimentary breakfast and I see a guy walk by in his pajamas and socks.  Jamers?!  No sooner, had I gotten my mouth shut than a whole family came into the area and they are all in their jammers. 

I may be from the “old” school that says, dress appropriately when in public, but I guess this rule is only for me.  I couldn’t help but wonder if these people were “commando” too!  I could hear my mother’s voice in my head that said “be sure to wear underwear all the time because you never know…”  She never did explain the “never know” part of that sentence and I never thought to ask.  She use to make me wear underwear in my jammers because “you never know…”

Without slamming the Midwestern part of our country, I can’t help but feel that the farther you are from the big city, the more relaxed traditional behaviors become.  Considering that we are planning to move to OK City, it has to be a reminder for me to keep up my standards in order to maintain a “presence” in the city.  Spirit, help me to put away my judgment mind about all of this.

You, of course, don’t have a problem with any judgments, do you?

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