Wednesday, April 9, 2014

More changes

“Everyone who is destined to have a spiritual transformation comes to the journey with a wound as big as God.  There are very few people who become advanced mystics because they simple feel happy on a Sunday afternoon.”  Andrew Harvey.

I am fascinated with Spiritual growth and how it shows up in its various forms.  Right now I am on the growth path of learning - learning how the cosmic 2 X 4 showed up and surprised with a crown that lifted off one of my teeth.  In the process of figuring out what to do, the one next to it did the same thing.  

In the process of finding a dentist, the first one said he didn’t do crowns.  The second one does but doesn’t do extractions.  The third does extractions and wants to put in implants in place of the ones that have to come out.  

In the consultation session, I was quoted $2,796.25 for four implants.  I am mentally calculating and thinking that $11,185.00 is a lot of money for false teeth.  The dentist looks to be a bit beyond his thirties and I am thinking, “surely, he has his student loans paid off by now!”  There seemed to be a lot of people in uniform floating around his office, so his overhead must be high.

My “wound” right now is my teeth failing me.  I am not even sure I know how to stop the process.  The second dentist looked at my bottom teeth and said that he could fix those up to look a lot better.  Meaning, more implants and with all said and done, my good looking mouth would cost about $54,000.00.  

I have just gotten to the point in my life where I have some money in the bank, enough in savings for some interesting travel and to fund some wonderful experiences.  I am thinking that while I still can move easily and with great flexibility, I want to travel and have some wonderful experiences.  When I am in that place of infirmity, can’t move and am stiff and when food is the only wonderful thing in my life, then I will have implants up in.  Until then…I want easy surprises, no more cosmic 2 X 4’s or train wrecks  or anything else that will disrupt my comfortable life.  I am closing the wounds and allowing myself the spiritual growth in the mystery of life.  Join me?

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