Friday, February 19, 2016

Missed Opportunities

Whatever is right in God can be right in our own life through the constructive use we make of our thoughts and prayers.  Whatever good there is, whatever joy, happiness, health, and abundance we may think of, these are ours to have, to hold, and to enjoy.  Mostly we do not think big enough, we pray in too petty a manner, and we are afraid to experience more of what God has to offer.  The Magic of the Mind - Ernest Holmes and Willis Kennear

How scary!  Not praying big enough.  Thinking that we are asking for "too" much.  I wonder if there is such a thing as "too much?"  

Since I have had the time to heal from my oral surgery, I have been thinking about my life and about the roads not traveled.  I can remember at one point while I was in the ministry in San Francisco, that I was having difficultly with my voice as I was doing a one hour radio program and then a one hour Sunday service soon after.  It was suggested that I take voice lessons.  I did.  So, I was "singing" scales.  And I discovered that I was very good and my voice was wonderful.  So, as my voice got stronger I was able to get through my two hours on Sunday with ease.

However, it never occurred to me that I could be using my voice to be a singer.  How could I not make the association?  I was so focused on "being" a speaker that "being" a singer, I guess, was out of the question.  Now, I have to wonder, what else was out of the question for me?  What else did I miss because I couldn't see the opportunity?  Why was I thinking so small?  Who taught me that?  

After reading the above quote, I am reminded of the small child who was waiting for jam and bread while his mother was spreading the jam and he said, "Please give me too much jam."  I get it.  Please give me too much.  I have been settling for far too little up until now.  How about you?  Have you been settling?  Or are you open to the opportunities that surround you?

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