Saturday, May 7, 2016

Time to Take That Step Forward

Every grief or difficulty means the time as come to go a step higher.  A problem is not a barrier.  It is important to take the attitude that your spiritual promotion has presented itself in the guise of a problem or difficulty, and you are to take another step forward.  And this calls for effort.  If you want to go higher, you must climb the steps.  Emmet Fox

The above quote was the answer to several prayers that I have been struggling with the past several weeks.  I realized that with my friend who decided that she didn't want to see during her final months of cancer, it wasn't my story - it was her story.  I needed to honor that.  But I couldn't understand that.  Now I do.  The above quote is part of my story - not hers.
(See my previous blog for the story in reference.)

This is a huge sigh of relief for me.  I get it.  And once again, I have the lesson of separating the action from the person.  I can still love her through her experience even though I can't see her.  I can still love her for what we had over the years and respect that she doesn't maybe want me to see her in the state she is in now.  I really get that!  

I know that the medication she is on is affecting not only her pain tolerance but her mental capacity.  It changes how one thinks about what is going on and her reactions are different that what I was use to getting from her.  Something else I have to respect about her.  She has decided to go through Hospice at home and go through the process of releasing without the addition of chemo and all of the cell changing chemicals the medical authorities now use to prolong the lives of cancer patients.  

She has all of my love and compassion.  

So, my prayer for her is to encapsulate her with the love and power of God to assist her in her experience in order for her to endure to the highest and best of her ability to live day by day in order for her to complete and get ready for her new experience in making her transition into a new life.  I bless her on her journey and know that all is well with her.  

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