We have the right to choose what we wish to experience. We have the right to choose what kind of life we want to live and who we want to share that life with long term. We have the right to choose what it is that we want to do and how to do it. That all means that we have the right to choose what we put into our minds in order for our minds to manifest the greatest good we can imagine.
A certain, specific, intelligent idea in Mind, will produce a certain, specific concrete manifestation equal to itself. However, what we place in Mind must be what we want, we have to believe that we deserve it and we have to keep thinking about it and all aspects of it, until it manifests in our lives.
Ernest Holmes tell us to, "Throw out into Mind an idea and Mind creates it and sets it on the path of your life." Sometimes when faced with obstacles, asking for several solutions, brings several answers. But what is interesting is, that no matter what solution you choose, it is the right one for you at the time.
All choices are the right ones. As we go along, if the outcome or the result is not what we thought we wanted, all we have to do is choose again. It is so simple.