Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Always Enough

Thought will always bring back to us what we send out.  Ernest Holmes

We know that what we think, comes about.  And since our experience is the sum total of what we have thought, it makes sense that when we are lacking good results in our lives, it is necessary to clean up our thoughts.  

What I find fascinating is that my thoughts are creative whether I am thinking positive or negative.  I get what I think.  Recently, in working with a client, we had a discussion of what was not enough in her life - namely, not enough money.  Several times during our give and take, the statement was, “I need enough money.”  

“I need enough money,” implies lack.  So, since it is a dominate thought, lack is what shows up.  Sometimes we get abounding lack in order to “get the lesson.”  

Changing our thoughts from negative statements to positive ones are challenging.  Because of the habit of being negative, catching what we are thinking or saying is not the easiest to get.  What happened to me was that I was just so tired of now “having,” that I finally got the message.  

So, instead of “not having enough,” I changed my thinking to “always enough.”  Before I paid my bills, I affirmed to myself that I always have enough.  The first time I experienced this, I only had $1.00 left over.  But I realized that I had enough.  But what to do about the rest of the month?  When I thought about money, I reaffirmed that I always have enough.  I did get through the month.  I dipped into my pantry inventory and ate up lots of foods that didn’t exactly go together, but I had enough to eat.  I was taken out to lunch or dinner several times, so I didn’t need money.  I started the month with a full tank of gasoline in my car, so I didn’t need any until the last week.  I found that I could walk to several locations in order to “save” gas.  It worked.  I got through the month with a dollar left over.

The next month was easier and I had more left over because I always have enough.  Whether you need money, friends, joy and laughter, love, food, or whatever, you always have enough.  Or change it to, “more than enough.”  Your choice.  You may have a greater idea about what you are experiencing.  Use it.

It is okay to experiment with this concept and see what happens in your life.    I choose to have “good results” no matter what my circumstances are.  Blessing on your journey.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Aligning with the Power

We have within us a power that is greater than anything that we shall ever contact in the outer, a power that can overcome every obstacle in our life and set us safe, satisfied, and at peace, healed, and prosperous, in a new light, and in a new life.  Ernest Holmes

Think about the above quote.  What if we believe it to be true?  We have the power of our minds to create anything we could possibly want in life.  The secret is to decide what it is that we want.

I know that whatever I think has been great in my life, that there is still more to experience.  I am so ready to do that in more areas of my life.
I am ready for my life to rock.  And I know it is up to me to think up ways for that to happen.  

Thomas Merton tells us, “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going.  What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.”  

In order to recognize the possibilities and challenges, we need to keep an open mind.  I know that challenges are presented to me to offer me opportunity to take a new step forward or upward into a new level or realm of consciousness.  The higher I go in consciousness, the closer I am to the way God thinks and creates.  

Ernest Holmes goes on to tell us that, “The time will come when we will not have to demonstrate at all because we will be living so near to the law (mind in action - thinking) that it will do all for us without much conscious thought on our part.”  How cool would that be?  All that we need or want comes to us automatically.  Join me in that quest?

Acceptance of a greater good

We must identify ourselves with the limitless Source of prosperity, love, friendship, happiness, and spontaneous joy, and maintain this identification through new patterns of thought.  Ernest Holmes

Changing patterns of thought or habits can be daunting.  It takes practice, patience, and endless reminders of what it is that we want to change in our lives for the better.  

That hemostatic part of us just wants to stay the same.  But it can be done.  We can change whatever we want by knowing that there is something better for us.  Dr. Holmes gave us some clues as how it is done.  If it is any consolation, every time Dr. Holmes tells us that something needs to be done on a “daily,” basis, it means he had to do it “daily” too.  When I got that, it felt so much better knowing that even the “master” had challenges with the subject.

Clue number one:  The first thing we need to do is to get quiet within ourselves.  We need to quiet the inner critic - just ask it to be patient and reassure it that good times are coming soon.  

Clue number two:  We need to believe that it is possible for us to have what it is that we want.  We live in the Kingdom of God, all is for our benefit and participation.  We are surrounded by the abounding abundance of God, why then, are we being so parsimonious with ourselves?

Clue number three:  Every time we identify ourselves with the Spirit within, we are dealing with a certainty, and every word of affirmation replaces any denial.  In this way, we build up within ourselves an acceptance of a greater good.  

I am reminded of when I was a child and I remember I told a “little white lie.”  I told it so many times, that I started believing it myself.  Affirmations are the same way.  But repeating them often, getting into the truth of them, will bring us to the point of full belief.

Clue number four:  This one is all my clue for me.  When I want to change something in my life or get something new, I sit down and list all of the reasons why this is necessary in my life.  By reading and re-reading it, I come to a natural acceptance of the truth of it for me and once I have totally embodied it, it shows up for me.  

God is my Source of many things in my life.  It is a source of peace, calm acceptance, surrender into greater wisdom, and allowing myself to experience more of what life is.  I just have to REMEMBER that God is the solution to all of what is going on in my life.  I don’t have to “go” it alone.

We need to know there is a limitless abundance of all things good.  We can remember and remind ourselves of this every day.  Join me?

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Goals or resolutions?

Year after year, I have set goals for myself only to have forgotten what most of them are in a short space of time.  I realized that they weren't all that important to me.  The important ones just showed up for me.

No more resolutions.  No more goals.  I now realize that life is perfect, my body is perfect, my environment is perfect, there is nothing to fix or change.  Since that is the case, what needs to change in order for me to be content or feel great?

In clearing out my desk, I found an affirmation I wrote years ago.  It says, "It is possible for me to step into a comfortable lifestyle that gives me the results I want."  In reading this, I realized that I am and have been living it for several years.  How great is that?

Nothing to change, nothing to fix.  In getting use that that concept, it really feels like I have loosened up the way I live, my attitudes, how I see my world.  Now, when Charlie Carter, our year old puppy, barks up a storm, I think, "Its perfect."  He wants the attention and barking is the way he gets it.  I just have to appreciate more of what he is.  

When Alan needs something from me, I remind myself that we have spent ten years together in perfect harmony and in order for that to continue, I keep my mind open and listen to what is being said and declare it perfect.  It makes living with a partner so much easier.

Nothing needs to change in order for me to feel content or to feel great.  My life is perfect the way it is including the dishwasher that needs repair, laundry that needs to get done, floors that need to be scrubbed, and all the other everyday chores that need doing.  All is well in spite of what needs to be done.

I got called for jury duty for next week.  What is that all about?  It has been years since I have been called and why now?  Do I even want to get into a situation that may be filled with the Virus (s)?  In order to get though the experience unscathed, I have to declare it "good" no matter what confronts me.  I just need to remember it as I get into the downtown traffic, or crowds, or whatever.

All is well.  And so it is.