Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy New Year

Somehow, I have just dropped of the blogging game.  Nothing since 2016!  Hard to believe all that time has passed with nothing from me.  

What has happened is that I read a line in a magazine by Dr. John Waterhouse that says, "What if instead we lived a life in which there is nothing to fix because nothing is broken?"  It got me to thinking.  Certainly, I know that nothing needs fixing but I have complained about lots of things over the years that were not to my liking.  Thinking back, I am not sure that anything changed but it sure felt good to get it out of my system.

Life has changed for me since 2016 in that I am firmly settled into retirement and loving it.  I have had some health challenges but have gotten them all corrected enough to be able to function at a steady pace.  In those things that are still challenging, I have hired the help to do them for me.  Why didn't I hire a house cleaner earlier?  What a luxury to have.  Or to have a robot to run around the floors every other day to just clear the dust, if nothing else.  A new kitchen sink faucet that turns on and off with just a touch. And a reverse osmosis system that gives us clear water that tastes wonderful.  

Luxury items that are now in use are because they are easily affordable now.  Now, I am more concerned with increasing our net worth than buying for the sake of just buying.  How fun it is to put lots of money into savings each month and watching it pile up.  

Why don't most of us wise up sooner to what is important in life?  I realize that for each person it is different but wise is wise and it it took me a long time to figure out some things.  When younger, I knew everything and didn't pay much attention to what was told me to me as "preaching."  I also realized that some of the stuff I heard was not applicable to the life I was living or what it is that I wanted to accomplish.  No more "someday" stuff.  To stay stress free and relaxed, do it now.

My wise is now to accept more of life just as it it.  Accept.  No complaints!  To look at everything as a blessing or a gift.  Sometime it takes some time to realize what the blessing or gift is suppose to be, but overall, my life right now is really great.  

I bless you with the same for the New Year.