After getting the news about having to have some work done on my teeth, I realized that during my life, I had heard about "saving for retirement," and other sundry things about what would happen after retirement. Well, no where did I hear (to choose to hear) about what happens to one's health after retirement.
Sure, I laughed at all of the jokes about losing your hair and losing your teeth, but that meant "other people," didn't it? I never thought it would happen to me especially because I take good care of my teeth. I see the hygienist once every three months for cleaning and I brush, floss, water pik, and use all of the implements given to me to assist in keeping my teeth clean between cleanings.
No where did it say to me to save money for health challenges. I consider having to have work done in my mouth as a major health challenge. Part of what is bothering me about all of this is the fact that I am having to give up my teeth in the process.
I have journaled about this, prayed about this and I have yet to come to a place of peace about what is going on. That means that there is an element of this whole process that I am missing. What is it? Maybe it is because I don't have the resources to recoup the funds that I have to spend on this process.
There is a point of peace in all of this and I know that it is within me...somewhere. Now is the time for me to focus on what's important and how does this fit into my ideal life. I encourage you to think more broadly about your life in order to more easily come to your major decisions.