My reading for today talked about forgiveness and the need to release more of our pent up emotions and feelings about people, places and things. Again? I have done all of the forgiveness I need to in my life.
But I got to thinking about it. I have more forgiveness I need to do. For example, I need to forgive my genes that didn't keep me lean and slim, or allowed some of my teeth to fall out or decay. I was reminded to forgive myself for being stupid about my body when I was young because I am sure that some of that abuse is now showing up. I forgive me for so desperately wanting to be loved that I made some wrong decisions in the process of learning about life. I have to forgive myself for getting myself into some dangerous places while young and thinking I knew it all, that it was difficult to get back into feeling safe and secure.
While rethinking about some of the situations, I found it difficult to breathe as I relived some of the memories - a sure sign that more work needs to be done. Even while typing this, I am having to remind myself to breathe, release and let go - it is only a memory and no longer a reality of my life.
I forgive myself for all of the wrong twists and turns I took thinking I knew what was right in my life. I forgive myself for not remembering that the Spirit of God was my source for life, substance, supply and intelligence.
I forgive myself for not remembering.
Knowing that I have more work to do, I stay open for more memories that I need to forgive and release. Do you need an invitation to do the same in your life? I already feel lighter - it is worth the time and the energy to do the inner work. Remember, that no matter what is going on in your life, you are always God blessed.