Sunday, May 29, 2016

Power Is Where You Are

God in the midst of you is right intention, clear in its motive and urging you to act with integrity.  Moving in God's direction you use greater wisdom, clearer thinking and you seek to love more greatly.  Power is where you are in what you think.  Love awaits your distribution of it.  There are no hindrances to self-advancement save those which abide in you, through your own wrong acceptances.  God wants you to be what you want to be.  Raymond Charles Barker

The majority of Metaphysical students are seekers rather than practitioners.
We need to practice what we know and when that no longer works, practice something else that we know.  We keep thinking that there is something "out there" that is the answer for us.  We forget that we have the Presence of God within us and that we are of God and we have the answers in our own minds.  Our minds are the Mind of God.  We forget that our endowment by God is permanent.  

We are alive because God or Divine Intelligence needs us as a vehicle of its own greatness.  God needs us to experience the world as it is today.  Because of the Divine Plan (remember Florence Scovell Shin's sublime Divine Plan of health, wealth, happiness and perfect self-expression) we were endowed with at birth (or maybe before) we were fully equipped to bring about all that we needed to accomplish with ease.  We forget that we are geniuses at best.  We need to know and believe in our own abilities and capacities to accomplish all that we have ever dreamed for ourselves and more.  Affirm for yourself that your divine plan for your life is manifesting now, quickly and in peace.  

No matter what age, your divine plan can re-manifest itself for you.  You are fully equipped and equal to any situation as it arises in your life because what God has given to you is permanent from birth to beyond.  We know that with God all is possible, to ask for the "impossible" to manifest for you now - no matter what it is.  The Bible states that God said, "Prove me now."
To ask for what it is that you want.  Write it down so that you don't forget what it is that you asked for.  Watch what shows up and how quickly is does.

I remember when my former husband made his transition, I decided that I would "mourn" for one year.  After that year, I was in Mexico for a minister's gathering and for most of that week, I spent it writing in my journal remembering the good times we had, thanking Bud for all of the gifts he gave me and all that I learned from him.  I also remember telling him (in my journal) that I would always love him but that it was time for me to move on and I wanted to meet someone new to partner me for the balance of my life.  I asked God for someone new.  This was April 7 of 2011.  On April 15, I met Alan.  We dated, bought a house on June 15, got married on July 15, moved into our new house in August and honeymooned in England the following spring.  When I think back on that experience, it takes my breath away as to how quickly my dreams came true.  

Yours can too.  Divine Plans can certainly move up several notches during the course of a lifetime.  Allow yours to move up exponentially.  The rewards are well worth the effort.  

Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Great Reminder

Intelligence created you to live in these times because you are equipped to meet the challenges of these times.  You are the right person, in the right place, to create a right world for yourself.  All the resources of the Infinite are already yours.  They need you as a means of self-expression.  Raymond Charles Barker

It is easy to forget that we were created from Intelligence and sometimes I do not want to accept that I am responsible for my own mental actions.  I forget that I can create my own heaven right here on earth and that I have the ability to think up all that I need in order to experience something bigger and greater than I now have.

We just got back from an extended trip through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the surrounding area.  On one drive outside Gatlinburg, through the Roaring Fork area, there were small farm buildings still standing from years ago.  This area was a huge eye opener for me.  First of all, it was a mass of rock formations and all of these rocks had to be cleared in order for anything to be grown.  My own childhood on a North Dakota farm consisted of "hauling rocks" every spring before the planting could be done.  Most people don't realize how hard the work is just to keep food, shelter and clothing available during four seasons.  The farm I grew up on had a well for fresh water, we had rural electricity, coal for the furnace, chamber pots for the winter and an outside two-seater for the spring, summer, and fall.  I never could quite figure out the two seater arrangement as I always insisted on "privacy."  Our farm house had four bedrooms upstairs and one down with the living room, dining room, and kitchen.  Pure luxury, I found out.

One of the farm houses on the tour in Tennessee had two rooms - a living area and a kitchen.  In this building, Mr. and Mrs. Bales raised (are you ready) nine children.  There couldn't have been any privacy at all!  Wonder where they all slept?  How did they keep warm in the winter?  Snuggling with siblings?  Most of my siblings bickered, so I know I would not have wanted to be close to them - plus the fact that most of them were so much older than I was.  I realized that we have more luxury in our motor home than they did in that little house.

This trip was a great reminder for me to appreciate what I have and what I have created for myself.  No matter what, I have the capacity to create even more because I have the power of the Infinite within me.  It was a reminder for me to always come up with new ideas as to what I want to experience next, how I want life to enrich my intelligence, and how prosperous can I be in this life.  My decision is to live fully healthy, wealthy, happy and creative.  Life is wonderful and I now experience more of it.  Join me?

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Gentle Reminders

I now establish myself in the consciousness of God and I watch the whole universe move to flow into me its great abundance of life, substance, and supply.  Eric Butterworth

Be ready at all times for the gifts of God, and always for new ones.  Mister Eckhart

I am here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.  That is how important I am.  Eckart Tolle

When there's a disappointment, I don't know if it's the end of the story.  It may just be the beginning of a great adventure.  Pena Chodron

Enough said.  These are for me to remember this week.  I invite you to join me in the journey of remembering who we are and that the purpose of life is to enjoy what shows up for us.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Time to Take That Step Forward

Every grief or difficulty means the time as come to go a step higher.  A problem is not a barrier.  It is important to take the attitude that your spiritual promotion has presented itself in the guise of a problem or difficulty, and you are to take another step forward.  And this calls for effort.  If you want to go higher, you must climb the steps.  Emmet Fox

The above quote was the answer to several prayers that I have been struggling with the past several weeks.  I realized that with my friend who decided that she didn't want to see during her final months of cancer, it wasn't my story - it was her story.  I needed to honor that.  But I couldn't understand that.  Now I do.  The above quote is part of my story - not hers.
(See my previous blog for the story in reference.)

This is a huge sigh of relief for me.  I get it.  And once again, I have the lesson of separating the action from the person.  I can still love her through her experience even though I can't see her.  I can still love her for what we had over the years and respect that she doesn't maybe want me to see her in the state she is in now.  I really get that!  

I know that the medication she is on is affecting not only her pain tolerance but her mental capacity.  It changes how one thinks about what is going on and her reactions are different that what I was use to getting from her.  Something else I have to respect about her.  She has decided to go through Hospice at home and go through the process of releasing without the addition of chemo and all of the cell changing chemicals the medical authorities now use to prolong the lives of cancer patients.  

She has all of my love and compassion.  

So, my prayer for her is to encapsulate her with the love and power of God to assist her in her experience in order for her to endure to the highest and best of her ability to live day by day in order for her to complete and get ready for her new experience in making her transition into a new life.  I bless her on her journey and know that all is well with her.