Sunday, June 5, 2011

I couldn't do that...

Several of us recently were in a conversation about blowing glass for beads.  The woman next to me was showing me her latest creation and I commented on how beautiful it was.

The woman in front of us, turned and said, “I couldn’t’ do that!”  I asked her if she had ever done any glass blowing.  “No, I could never do that!”  I asked her, “How do you know that?”  She replied, “I just couldn’t do that.”

How many times have we judged some wonderful opportunity because we have said “no” instead of “I wonder if I could.” So many times we don’t even know what is involved but we have deemed it “too hard, too complicated, I could never do that!”

That conversation taught me to check out something before I deem it “anything.”  I usually start off with “I wonder if” and go from there.  Most of the time it turns out easier than I expected and usually more fun that I could have imagined.

The Truth of the matter is, YES we can!  Do it, that is.  Most of us don’t have a clue as to some of the hidden talents we have within us.  We need to get curious about “what else is there.”  And as Jean Houston tells us, “we are multi-talented.”

I wonder what my next new adventure is going to be?

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