Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the Midst of Change

There are times when I am stunned into stillness!  This is one of those times.  Awhile back, I asked for something new and different.  I got it in abundance.

Not that I thought my life was boring, it was just that seemingly nothing new was happening.  It all changed when I asked for something new and different to show up.

We went out to “look” at Recreational Vehicles while checking out what we could rent to see if we would like to do some traveling in this manner.  We ended up buying a semi-new model.

Since we have three puppies, boarding them each time we want to travel is expensive.  Having an RV allows them to travel with us but presents us with a whole different set of issues. 

Having three dog crates in a thirty-foot vehicle with two adults is crowded.  We ended up stacking the empty crates in the shower just to get them out of the way while we were parked.

Yes, we have had our “shake-down” trip to make sure that all worked as it should and for us to decide what else we can cram into it.  We drove to a casino close to the Texas border and spent the night.  We came home with a list of necessities to get before the next trip, which is coming up at the end of the week. 

Now, we are talking about taking a months long trip into Alaska and seeing parts of Canada on the way home.  There isn’t enough room in the motor home for my new sewing machines, computer, knitting paraphernalia, books, Lego sets, gig saw puzzles and all else that I do to keep busy.  Thinking about all of the projects I want to do, I want to stay home.  And I am sure that when I am at home, I will want to be on the road seeing new sights and exploring new cities.

Ah, the fun of choices.  I am certainly grateful that I have lots of choices and that having this motor home proves to me that I am living my dream. 

Life is good.

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