Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Deeper Understanding of Life

"We are not one in God or one with God, but we are One of God."  Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes goes on to tell us, "Although the identity is the same in essence, is is not the same in degree."  The definition of degree is "a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification; the extent, measure, or scope of an action, condition, or relation; relative intensity."  

I love knowing that I am a "spark" of God.  In order to increase that spark in degree, I just need to step up the intensity or step into a greater degree of knowingness for myself.  In thinking about this concept, I get, and then I don't, how greatness, power, and genius reside in each one of us.  We are One of God.  Even if all it, is a cell, molecule or atom, I'll take it and I want more of it.  

Think what is possible with "the Mind of God within."  When I think of stepping up into the "mind of God within me," I automatically think of the great Biblical quote that says, "All things are possible with God."  Yikes! That means that all things are possible with me, for me and of me.   Well, there go all the excuses!  

Can you imagine God saying, "Oh, I need to sit and rest" while creating the world?  Ah, but maybe that is where Komodo lizards or alligators or monsters of the deep came from - maybe an unfinished process?  Or if It said, "This is too hard, I don't think I can do it?"  Or "What's the use?  No one will use it anyway."  

I am certainly grateful that I was cooked (brought to term in the womb) perfectly and that I am allowed to use all of the gifts given to me at birth.  There are times that I forget how talented, creative and artful I am, and I want (like most of us) to use all of the excuses I can to NOT come up to perfection.  Then I think how blessed I am and that I need to give something back for all of the goodness I am enjoying in my life.  How about you?

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