Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ask For What You Want

Learn to make known our requests with thanksgiving and in acceptance.  And having done this, in that silent communion of your soul with its Source, believe that the Law of Good will do the rest.  Ernest Holmes

In a telephone call this week, I had another wake up call that almost brought me to my knees.  The person calling wanted to know how I was doing and what my prognosis was since my oral surgery.  After talking about it for awhile, she said, "Not to diminish what you have experienced, but another friend of mine in Texas was told she had bone cancer in her mouth and she had to have all of her teeth removed and some of the bone taken out."  

All I had was a decayed tooth that lead to other things and I am so grateful that was all it was.

No matter what life hands us, there is always someone set up as an example for our gratitude.  I know we all create our experiences but I want to create some that are less painful and more easily recuperative.  I remember reading in one of my journal exercises to, "Write a story; create a future!"  And I added, "Or at least a compelling present."  When I am in the midst of the experience, I forget that I am in charge of creating a compelling present.
I forget that I can enchant myself with my choice of wonderful details and that it is up to me to put the excitement into my life.  I forget that I am in charge of life and that it is up to me to attract and see my good.

In a very conscious effort of experiencing more excitement, of creating a life that is compelling, sweet, filled with joy and happiness, I am taking the next three weeks off in order to use the time to contemplate my present.  I invite you to do something similar in order to more fully enjoy the rest of your life.  Time is of the essence.

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