Know today that within you is a Power and a Presence. Whatever you might need is always right there, at the right time, in the right place. Think great thoughts, abundant thoughts. Add to your thoughts strong feelings and convictions that the universe is always in perfect agreement with your richest aspirations.
No matter what it is that you are thinking, the universe is always in agreement with you. If you think you are right, you are. If you think you are wrong, you are. Interesting how that works. And how hard that lesson is to learn in life.
When we learn that the subconscious mind is the builder with us, we can learn to give it an idea upon which to work and release it to produce the manifestation in its own way. It can build and rebuild our bodies. It can heal our wounds of whatever nature. It can take our ham sandwich, digest it, and move the nutrients to any place in our bodies that need it. It can do the seemingly impossible when it is teamed up with clear and conscious direction. It does not initiate. We direct the conscious mind and the subconscious mind will take what the conscious mind provides and work it out in detail. The subconscious mind does not question. It simply acts upon what it is given.
We can give it the greatest aspirations we can think of, and the subconscious mind will go to work for us and create it to the best of its ability. It is our internal Infinite Treasure House. All we have to do is take the time to figure out what it is that we want to create in our lives and allow our minds to fulfill our heart's greatest desire. Can you imagine?
We need to fill our subconscious minds with the most prosperous, healthful, and constructive ideas that we can possibly think of for our minds to work on while we sleep, while we meditate, or while we are working on other things. Then we need to just release it all and watch what shows up on the path of our lives. What fun! Join me?