Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seeking to find what?

One of my favorite books referred to all of us as seekers.  I was struck by the fact that while I am seeking, I will never find anything. 

It reminded me of the time when my first book was in the process of being published and the publisher kept sending me the pages for galley proofing and I kept proofing and I kept finding things that need to be corrected.  As long as I was proofing, the printing was delayed.  Not that proofing isn’t important but while I was “looking” for mistakes, I was always finding them. 

Finally, I got what the process was all about and I declared a final proofing and found nothing.  Why didn’t I do that at the beginning of the process and find all of the mistakes in the first proof instead of waiting until number ten or eleven? 

It is the same as being a seeker.  As long as one is seeking, one never finds and so can never settle on anything permanent.  I would rather be referred to as someone who can take a lesson and, if needed, apply it to my life in order to create a higher quality of life.  Take the lesson and apply it and stop the delay into experiencing something new and different.  

Saturday, February 18, 2012


I love books.  Since I was just an average student in high school, I realized that I needed to figure out a way to continue my education without the benefit of college because I didn’t have the money nor did I think I was bright enough to get through.  But studying at my own pace and having the privilege of reading and rereading something I didn’t understand was my way of “getting” that higher education I needed. 

Since I have decided that I am now a writer, I have been supplementing my knowledge about writing by reading about writing.  Finishing one book that really turned the lights on for me, I decided that I would search for more of that author.  The book I wanted was priced out of my range as it is decades old.  Closing up the page and turning away from my computer very disappointed, I walked over to my “writing” section of my library and lo, and behold, there was the book.

Well, now I get it.  It wasn’t available in my price range because I already had the book.  Instead of being disappointed, I was now ecstatic.  I love how the universe works to support us and to protect us when needed and necessary. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cigar Boxes

“What are you doing with all of these cigar boxes,” I asked Bill as we were touring his workshop as we were getting ready to take a lesson in wood turning for pens. 
“You have to save all of your leftovers and you need a space for all of them and cigar boxes are great for this.  You need to get all of the cigar boxes that you can and fill them with treasures.”
We had the wood turning lesson and I forgot about the conversation until a few weeks later.  I was in an interview with a couple getting ready for a spiritual union ceremony and I ask them how they found me.  “Shirley at Unity referred us to you.” 
Later that evening, one of the students brought his class project to be shared and all of his “treasures” were housed in a cigar box.  I asked him where he got his cigar boxes.  (For those of us who don’t do “cigars” it is a legitimate question!)  His reply was that he goes to “The Humidor.” 
The next morning as I was looking up Unity in the yellow pages in order to call Shirley and find out her last name in order to send her a “referral fee” I am ready to close the yellow pages and this huge ad on the next page is featuring “The Humidor.” 
Okay, I got it.  I stocked up on cigar boxes and got more for gifts.  The very interesting thing about this whole sequence of events was that it was located next to Pier 1, where I had remembered I wanted to check in order to get a folding bookcase for my office. 
Now, what came first…the bookcase or the cigar boxes?