Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seeking to find what?

One of my favorite books referred to all of us as seekers.  I was struck by the fact that while I am seeking, I will never find anything. 

It reminded me of the time when my first book was in the process of being published and the publisher kept sending me the pages for galley proofing and I kept proofing and I kept finding things that need to be corrected.  As long as I was proofing, the printing was delayed.  Not that proofing isn’t important but while I was “looking” for mistakes, I was always finding them. 

Finally, I got what the process was all about and I declared a final proofing and found nothing.  Why didn’t I do that at the beginning of the process and find all of the mistakes in the first proof instead of waiting until number ten or eleven? 

It is the same as being a seeker.  As long as one is seeking, one never finds and so can never settle on anything permanent.  I would rather be referred to as someone who can take a lesson and, if needed, apply it to my life in order to create a higher quality of life.  Take the lesson and apply it and stop the delay into experiencing something new and different.  

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