Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Slow Down

Recently I was admonished to slow down to the speed of my life.  What?  How do you do that?  I do know that when the aches and pains in the body show up, it is time to pay attention to what is going on and how I am processing that is going on in my life.

Since I am semi-retired, meaning that I am no longer active in pulpit ministry, but I am actively pursuing the writing life, it is difficult for me to slow down any more than I already am.

Then an idea came to me that I was not as relaxed as I should be and that I seem to be more strung out than is natural for me to be.  Strung out to me means being short tempered, taking more of what is going on personally, allowing my core to be affected instead of being strong, solid and aware.  When I am feeling good, nothing gets to my core.  I feel strong enough to temper what is going on with good humor, having the sensitivity to realize that it is “not all about me.”  But when I am strung out, it is all about me.

It is hard learning the lessons I have taught most of my adult life.  One is breathing deeply.  Taking the time to just breathe.  Sounds funny, I know.  But when we are in a hurry, we pant instead of taking the time to breathe deeply and purposefully.

Two is to pay attention to what is going on now…staying in the present.  It is easy to get caught up in the future and planning and thinking about what we are going to do tomorrow or next week or next month.  All of which keeps us out of the present time.  Or getting caught up in the past and pretending that it is more pleasant to live there instead of the present time.

Three is to think that what we are thinking is the truth of who we are.  That is the biggest joke of all to me.  When I am paying attention to what I am thinking I realize that most of it is fantasy and has nothing to do with my reality. 

So, breathing, staying present and getting real…major lessons for me this week.  When the aches and pains show up, take the time to drink some water and breathe.  Think and thank God for your blessed good. I am and I do.

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