Friday, September 28, 2012

Allow Everything

Two quotes had me in a quandary this last week.  The first is from Ernest Holmes in which he tells us, “Just keep right on knocking at the doorway of your consciousness until every “no” becomes a “yes,” every negation an affirmation, every fear a faith.  You cannot fail if you remain steadfast.” 

Somewhere I read that life is a gift.  So, by saying “yes” to everything that shows up in our lives is accepting the gift in a greater, grander way.  No matter what happens, it is a gift. 

I didn’t reach a goal that I wanted this week and was very disappointed and have to really recoup from hearing three “no’s” to something that I think is really wonderful – the biggest advantage of it is to save money and have the product delivered to the front door.  Who wouldn’t want to save money?  I couldn’t get my mind wrapped around that? 

The sad thing about it is that I know the people were lying to me about the reasons for not buying from me.  That is another thing I couldn’t get wrapped in my head – why lie about something so insignificant.  Imagine the cause and effect set up around that?

What was the gift in the people saying “no?”  Well, had they consented, I would have had to work with them.  Now, I don’t.  Maybe in the wisdom of the Infinite, it saved me from some huge problems later on. 

The other quote is from Alan Cohen, who, says, “Denying the body is another from of indulging it.  What you fight, you empower.  What you allow, you release.”  The importance of that quote is the allow/release part.  Make it all okay and it is easier to accept, think about, and for me to “get my head wrapped” around a concept in order to let it go for the highest and best – usually for me.  Which tells me that I need to allow and release for the highest and best to all I come in contact with too. 

Okay, allow and release with ease.  Got it!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Writer's Block

This has been the week for having “nothing” to write about.  Nothing seems to be interesting to me this week.  I know that there is a lot going on, but not worth writing about.  This is one of the reasons why I am not on Facebook – the endless minutia of boring lives.

What I find fascinating is the process of writer’s block.  There are times when I am writing that I can’t keep my fingers flying fast enough across the keys to keep up with what is going on in my head.

The lesson for me is to write when I have the ideas and not, when I don’t.  Seems simple.  But somehow I don’t follow the lesson.  In other words, I don’t use what I know.

I am finding this to be more prevalent as time marches on.  It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just not worth doing.  And I am finding that trend to be with some of my clients too.

When thinking about it, it is a very dangerous way to be as it is easier not to do than to do the things that are basic and important for a fulfilling, satisfying way of life.  This is where habits can carry through until inspiration comes knocking at the door again. 

“Writer’s block” is a fallacy.  I am writing.  Instead of rambling on, I declare myself filled with wonderful ideas, the discipline of carrying them out and the wonder of seeing something new and different on my pages. 

Over and out!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Taking the Leading Part

Somewhere in the writings of Ernest Holmes, he tells us, “We must be careful and not get into ruts; always be doing something new and different, and you will find life becomes a great game in which you are taking the leading part.” 

Coming up with new and different ideas every day, or week or month can be challenging.  Who knew there were that many “new and different” things to be, do or have?  The idea being that we stay active in every area of life.

I love learning how to do new things that I am interested in.  My issue is always having the time to devote to those interests.  Learning how to speak and read Spanish is one of those interests.  I have done a lot of fits and starts over the years and when I have a chance to speak Spanish to someone, I stumble over what words are appropriate in the situation. 

Years ago, I wanted to learn shorthand.  It still interests me but again I rarely find the time to practice or do what they suggest, which is to take dictation from the evening news.  Do you know how fast newscasters talk?  I didn’t think so.  Believe me, it’s fast.

Now when I am in a conversation with someone on the phone, I go into my craft room and sit and use my foot - cycle just to get in some exercise.  Whenever did I find time to work full-time?

Staying active in life is easy.  Determining which part of the activity I want to participate in each day is my challenge.  I can remember a time in my life when I didn’t have choices.  How blessed I feel now to know that I am surrounded with a multitude of choices and having the freedom to walk away and start something completely new and different.

I am no longer retired; I am actively finding more and more fun things to do.  Join me?