Sunday, February 3, 2013


Your thoughts do not create reality, but they do create your experience,” says Alan Cohen in his daily inspirational quote to me this morning.  I had to stop and think about that for a minute.  Reality is just what it is but my thinking about it makes it personal to me and thus creates my experience of it. 
There are times when I get caught up in wanting life to be more or less than what it is at the present time.  When I am super busy, I want it to be more routine, calm, peaceful and serene.  When I am relaxed, calm and peaceful, there are times when I crave more excitement. 
What I have to remember is that I can experience all of it at different times.  The secret for me is to stay in the present moment.  Right now, it is okay for me to be inspired to write this essay even in the midst of having lots of things on my needs-to-be-done list.  It is okay for me to sit back and contemplate my navel while waiting for the next thought to be written. 
What I am noticing about my life right now is that I have this need to fully enjoy and experience all of what is about me, around me and is still coming to me.  When I am in a stressful state of mind, I don’t seem to be in the present nor can I enjoy what is going on and when it is done and over, I have difficulty remembering what happened during that time.  I don’t like having gaps in my memory and not being able to remember what happened to me during those times. 
My intention is to think thoughts that create a wonderful experience for me in my reality in order for me to slow down to the speed of my life and to be able to savor all of it as it happens.  My life truly is blessed.  Make yours too.

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