Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How can I turn this into Practice?

Living the spiritual life is the attitude you hold in your mind when you are down on your knees scrubbing the steps.  Evelyn Underhill

For those of us celebrating Thanksgiving soon, the dread of dealing with family is the worst anticipation of all.  The quote above gave me a sampling of what is needed with dealing with people you don't like, or being in a place you don't want to be, or having to do what you hate doing.  

The quote is having the "attitude" of spiritual life.  She doesn't say you have to be mindful or aware or practice the Presence.  Limiting yourself from family is hard to do.  Or as Philip Goldberg tells us, "It ain't always easy, but it's worth it if they force you to ground your spirituality in real life.  What could be a better spiritual practice than to make them an offering of yourself on Thanksgiving?"  Who are these people in my family?  Why is it when all of my good intentions fly out the window when I see these people?  "How can we take "real life" seriously and yet live it lightly," Philip tells us?  He goes on to say that, "Perhaps the most important step of all is to recognize that "real life" is the sacred life."  

Even though I want to get away from family, I know that I would miss the camaraderie at the holidays. This year I will playact the greatest drama of my life with serenity, stillness, and a smile of goodwill.  Can I really use this time to recognize that all of life is sacred to me and that all who show up are my teachers?

Okay, I will show up with a smile, well-being and love in my heart even if...
I declare this time as sacred time and will stay in the moment remembering that I am in the Presence.  Turkey, dressing, gravy...all the wonders of gourmand presentations.  Thank you for the abundance of it all.  

Wrap yourself into a wonderful experience of the upcoming holidays with family or not.  Enjoy as much as you can.  

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