Monday, November 30, 2015

What Constitutes Contentment?

"...we discover that it is life's enrichments rather than the riches of life that bring us true contentment."  Sarah Ban Breathnach

Enrichment?  What does that mean?  According to the online Merriam- Webster, it means to make rich or richer especially by adding or increasing some desirable quality, attribute or ingredient to something - to add, increase, enhance or improve something.  

Thinking about the idea of enrichments, It's adding something of value to an experience, or your surroundings, and to your life in order to increase or reach that wonderful concept of "contentment."  It seems to me to be that added something that makes life interesting, wonderful and adds to the wonder and joy of just being.

Putting this concept into practical use is a challenge.  How do you add to whatever is going on in life?  It's like the idea of a long southern tradition of adding a surprise element to a dinner, a gift, or an experience in order to bring an element of stunned delight.

Being sure that delight leads to contentment, it means being vigilant and in the present all the time in order to catch those moments that can be enriched.  

Delighted contentment.  How wonderful is that?  Join me in a new adventure of living.

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