Saturday, July 11, 2015


Grief happens to us in strange and interesting ways.  For whatever reasons, I am losing another tooth.  The fact is, I have been losing teeth since my early 20's.  Having had a large space between my two front teeth, a dentist decided that the best thing to do was to put me in braces to move the teeth closer together.  In the process of moving them too fast, both died.  Out they came.  Gradually, over the years, more and more have had to be removed. 

The one that I am losing next week, has put me into a funk that is clearly different for me.  I am having four implants put in and a new upper appliance will be built for me.  

Doing lots of reading to "comfort" me and to give me the courage to face what I need.  This one reads, "Each moment gives us a fresh breath of air, an opportunity to take to heart, to face reality, and bravely move on."  Not much comfort in that!

How long will it take to get through this dark place and space?  Nothing feels safe right now.  But I do feel as though I am doing my best to move forward under less than desirable circumstances.  My faith seems to have skipped a beat in all of this.

What I have been doing is a lot of praying for peace, calm, courage and feelings of well being.  Several times a day, I turn my concern over what has to be done, into the heart and hands of God.  Intellectually, I know that all will turn out well.  My stomach doesn't feel it at all.  

In the meantime, I will keep praying and I invite everyone who knows me well to join in the process of my complete healing in comfort, ease and grace.  Thanks for all.

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