Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Expanding Consciousness

The last several years, I have been exploring different methods of expanding consciousness.  I know that life experience, discovering new adventures and being open to different ways of doing things all contributed to the process. 

One of my books stated that writing with your non-dominate hand would do the same process.  Not only that, but how extraordinary would it be to be ambidextrous?  That means not only can you use each hand well, but in being skillful in many ways.  I love being skillful in many ways because it proves to me how smart, clever and industrious I am. 

But learning how to write with the other hand is a skill that is very challenging.  I did a search on “how to learn” how to improve penmanship and got the usual drawing of circle O’s, and small, medium and large E’s.  That took me right back to grade school. 

Doing the exercises is hard.  One of the websites said that all that was necessary was to practice, practice, practice.  Well, of course, with practice everything becomes easy. 

Now, I have incorporated writing with my other hand as I start my journaling in the morning.  Starting with copying an affirmation to start my day, I notice that my mind really has to slow down and concentrate on how to formulate the letters I am using.  The pace of my life has certainly slowed down for this practice. 

Is it fun?  Not yet!  I wonder how I will feel about the end result?

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