Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Place in the Choir

All God’s creatures got a place in the choir.  Do you know that song?  Tears streamed down my face when I heard it, because it reminded me that no matter what is going or, how lost I feel, or how hard it is to find something, I belong here.  I belong as much as the sun, moon, stars and planets.  I have a place in the choir.  I was created for greatness. 

I can sing low or high or just sit on a telephone wire and do my thing, which is whatever brings me happiness in that moment.  I am here to find ways to astonish myself, or maybe to startle myself into thinking about something new, or amaze myself with a new project, or remember how remarkable I am no matter what I do or what is going on in my life.  We all need to dazzle ourselves occasionally to remind us how fabulous life is and that there is yet more to experience.

There are times when I feel that new ideas are lost to me.  It is during those time that I need to remember that as many new songs there are or are still being written, that’s how many ideas are floating around the ethers for me to catch and use in my life.  Staying open to the exhilaration of life is all that is needed. 

You need to share in the extravaganza and the excitement of all that life has to offer so that I can remember to be more, do more and have more of all of the blessings in life.  So all of us can be more.  To be a part of the choir, go to
and sing out loud like all of the creatures of the earth, remember that all of us are graced.  And so it is.

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