Friday, December 5, 2014


I am convinced that holidays were invented to remind us to be something better than we are.  Thanksgiving is to put us into a state of mind that fills everything with gratitude. Even the titles of the holidays allow us to fill in what it is that we need at the time.

Valentine's Day is for us to remember that love surrounds us all the time and that we can give and get love whenever we feel the need.  I remember a class I took years ago, we had to find fill out a card to ourselves and the following Valentine's Day, we received it in the mail.  I was thrilled to find out that I loved myself - there it was in writing - in my own hand - and it said, "I love you."

Easter is to remind us to use our imaginations and play with eggs, candy and baby bunnies.  One Christmas, in one of my sermons, I told the congregation that we, as Religious Scientists, didn't believe in Christmas because we were not Christians, but that we did believe in the Easter Bunny.  So sad, so many people without a sense of humor. 

This holiday, Easter, is to remind us that we entomb ourselves and that sometimes we need help in rolling away the rock that keeps us stuck in whatever.  When I remember, during those times that just suck, that within three days, it will all be over and I will be in a different state of mind.

Why do we have Labor Day?  And we get to rest on a "labor" day.  Doesn't make sense to me.  But rest I will.  

Christmas remains the myth because most of us believe it in.  I know, it is fun to give and receive wonderful gifts.  Some of us are very creative and know how to do more with very little.  

Veterans Day is obvious.  We need to remember that there are those to are willing to give up their lives for us.  A trip to Washington D.C. and seeing the Vietnam Memorial was and event I will never forget.  It moved me beyond words that so many men gave up their families, friends, and life for us.  I don't know whether or not I could do that.  So, I am grateful for the reminder that there are those who are that courageous and generous.

Whether holidays are character building or not, I like it that whatever holiday comes up, it is a reminder that I need to think about, reflect, maybe make some changes, and create something better for myself.  I will willing to take your hand while you support me in this...

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