Saturday, January 16, 2016

How Low Can You Go?

Waking up one day, I discovered that I could no longer reach certain body parts.  What?  Why are my feet that far away?  How can I not touch the bottoms of my toes?

It was another of those "wake up" calls for me.  Decided then and there that I needed to lose (nope - since nothing is lost in the universe, I might someday find it again), release some stored up energy commonly known as FAT!  How did this happen?  When did I get so fat?

Started the research and figured out that stress has a great deal to do with energy storage in the body.  Along with not taking the time to do the proper exercise to release the stress, it messes with the hormones, which messes with the fat storage, which messes with the body.  And on and on it goes.  

In 2015, I decided it was time and so I started to watch my patterns of eating, stress, times when I got irritated, times when I got mad, and watched what happened to my body.  Also during this time, I had my first oral surgery which helped to jump start the downward trend by not being able to eat for two weeks.  

The happy news is that I am not down two jean sizes, I can easily remove all my rings, and I have released 25 pounds.  I have noticed huge differences in my skin - drier and thinner, especially my hands.  I purposely did this slow and easy because I wanted my skin to shrink with my body.  So, far so good.

My primary care doctor looked at me last week and as she pointed to her eyebrows, she said,"you look a little thinner in this area."  Eyebrows!  PLEASE!  Well, women release energy from the top down so I guess it stands to reason that my eyebrow area would look thinner.  I am waiting for the hip area to go thinner.  What I have noticed is that my belly fat is now just releasing and my clothes are fitting better.

I am ready for my stomach to turn into a six pack - do women have six pack abs?  Well, you know what I mean.  Another surgery in my mouth this week is guaranteed to take me down some more and I am wondering, how low can I go?  Giving up sugar and white flour help while increasing lots of protein.  I can use all of the psychic help you send.  Thanks.

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