Saturday, April 2, 2016

Everything is Good

You will notice a great difference in your power if you say that everything good that happens in your life is a demonstration of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Emma Curtis Hopkins 

This is being written while we are out of town on what was suppose to be short vacation over the Easter holidays. Our motor coach developed a major water leak in the exhaust system - who knew exhaust systems need water pumps and water storage systems to support them.  While driving down the highway, the engine heated up and we needed to pull over. Thankfully, we had filled the in-house storage tanks to capacity before leaving the camp site that morning.  Before we arrived at our destination, we had gone through our 90 gallon capacity.

When the "stuff" hits the fan, it is difficult to declare that the "stuff" is "good." But I was grateful that we arrive at our new campsite easily and safely so I had to declare that good. Since it was the start of a holiday weekend, most repair shops were closed and so we had to wait until Monday to find out what was available and what we were facing.

Our coach had to be towed to a repair shop. Several things were discovered to be wrong and needed to be repaired and all of it would take at least four days to complete. This was a bit harder to declare good, but I bit the dust, so to speak, declared it all good and proceeded to move forward.

Elsewhere in my lessons with Emma, she states, If you should be in great trouble you could not get help from God by begging for help. You would get help at once if you would stand aside from your trouble, as above and greater than it. Then you would feel the help of the omnipotent God.

This means to pray from a place of power. I stated the following: I know that the mechanic is
inspired with great ideas and is skilled in repairing what needs to be done. I declare that the
parts needed and necessary are easily available and show at the shop in a timely manner and 
are long lasting. I know we are beyond the problems and are free of the situation forever. I am grateful that the repair shop has a fair pricing policy and are speedy in getting our repairs 
completed and done. I trust God to take care of all of this of us.

After I stated the above it was easy for me to declare it good. Fortunately we were able to move in with my sister and her husband for the duration of our stay. We usually tow a car in our travels so we were able to use our car to run our errands and do what sight seeing we want to do.

Taking the high road means to step aside and look at a larger view as to what is going on and how to create a life that is easier to manage and to create a life filled with peace, poise and grace. Sometimes it is easier than others. 

We are home safe and sound.  This has been a huge learning lesson.  I invite you to practice it with me for future demonstrations.  This is one I will never forget.

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